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You Can be a Pitiful or Powerful Photographer, but you can't be Both | The Photography Business Coach

Yessssss, girl!!!

This is my first Blog Post on this site, and how fitting, because I am going to give you some encouragement (because I'm your cheerleader after all), and a little 'tough love'. Don't worry, I mean well, girl, LOL!

One of my favourite Life coaches & preachers of all time is Joyce Meyer. She tells you how it is straight up without apologizing. Sometimes we need a little of that, wouldn’t you say? She always says: "You can be Pitiful or Powerful, but you can't be both!" Oof!! I don't know about you, but that hits me hard, wakes me up and encourages me all at the same time.


In a time where the world seems to have gone mad and some days we don’t know where up is from down, we need to just quiet the noise, shut it off, get centered and focus on our goals.



Because what you think about and focus on becomes your life. The more you think about and focus on what you can’t do and can’t control, the more defeated you will feel. When you feel defeated, this affects your actions, and your actions affect your results!!!!


It’s time to get creative, girl! Ok, ok, I'll stop saying girl. Well, I'll try, LOL. There are people on the internet right now making thousands, tens of thousands and millions by getting creative. They are not focused on what they can’t control. They are thinking ‘how can I make a difference, make a solution, offer a service using my God-given talents in exchange for money?’. 


I dare you, I dare you to give the next 5 months left of the year to get focused on your goal, make a plan, set up your systems for success and be profitable. You can do it! I know that Jaques & I are. I’m busier now during quarantine than I was prior to all of this. We have made necessary changes, pivoted our focus to full time Boudoir, and are booking clients almost daily right now. My focus is to completely fill my year with my dream clients over the next 2 weeks, so that I can focus on shooting, fulfilling client requests and taking care of you! Yes, you. With training, content and support to help you rock your business and leave this confusing year behind.


Need a coach that can help you? To guide you in the right direction according to your true desires? Help you draw up a plan that is designed with your life & business goals in mind and help you set up your systems to be profitable and enjoy your life? 


Let’s chat it out. If I can’t help you, I’ll give you resources to point you in the right direction. If I can help you, you can walk away with next steps :).


 Which one you gonna be? Pitiful or Powerful? Cheers to kicking 2020’s butt and taking your power back, yes? YOU are an overcomer, remember that!

Richelle xo

Your Personal Cheerleader & Business Coach

Richelle Scheepers is known as The Photography Business Coach. She lives in Windsor, Ontario with her husband and 3 children. She believes that every photographer deserves to get paid what they are worth, be recognized for what they do and be able to build a profitable business based on their God-given talents and passions, photographing those who they were called to serve. 

After 20 years of experience in Business & Sales, she created her Methodology Called Passion to Profit. This 4-step system helps photographers Master the Business Side of Photography so that they can be fully booked with their Dream Clients!


50% Complete

Two Step

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